Your teeth are designed to last for a lifetime with the right care. Your oral hygiene habits at home are equally important as the services you receive from your dentist in Columbia to ensure your smile lasts. Unfortunately, even with the best care, there are certain bad habits that can damage your teeth. If you want your smile to last, here are 5 things you shouldn’t do with your teeth.
Columbia Healthy Smiles Blog
What are Dental Bridges?
March 3, 2020
No one ever expects to lose a tooth, but 120 million Americans live with an incomplete smile. If you’re among those who have lost a tooth or two over the years, you can fill the empty spaces with a dental bridge. Your dentist in Columbia can replace your missing teeth with close replicas of your own. You’ll enjoy a long-term solution that looks natural.
The Best Smile-Friendly Snacks for Healthy Teeth and Gums
February 29, 2020
You’ve probably been cautioned against eating too many cookies, sweets, and chips for the sake of your smile. But did you know that regularly eating certain healthy foods can improve your oral health? By adding the right foods to your daily diet, you can fight off cavities, strengthen your teeth, and prevent gum disease! Find out which snacks your dentist in Columbia, MO recommends to naturally keep your smile happy and healthy!
(more…)The Connection Between Healthy Gums & a Healthy Heart
February 14, 2020
Not only is February all about love and chocolates, but it’s also National Heart Health Awareness Month! It’s the perfect time to reflect on the health of your heart and take a look at your smile in the mirror. Health experts believe that more than 90% of all systemic, whole-body diseases present some of their earliest symptoms in the mouth, including cardiovascular disease. Read on as your Columbia dentist explains how taking care of your mouth protects your smile as well as your heart.
(more…)What Can I Do to Protect Myself from Developing Gum Disease?
January 18, 2020
Alarmingly, gum disease is on the rise in America, as over half the adult population now suffer from the condition. It’s bigger than just an oral health issue, though. As you continue reading, you’ll discover how untreated gum disease can lead to some life-threatening issues and what you can do to protect yourself. Additionally, you’ll learn about the treatment options your dentist in Columbia provides.
(more…)Get Your New Year Off to a Great Start with a Dental Checkup
January 2, 2020
Now that it’s January, have you started working on those New Year’s resolutions? If one or more of your new goals or habits has to do with improving your health, you’re certainly not alone. Going to the gym more, eating healthier, and cutting back on fast food are always some of the most popular resolutions around the world. This year, start your quest for better health with a trip to your dentist in Columbia! Find out why a dental checkup is the best way to get the New Year off to a great start.
(more…)How to Handle Dental Emergencies Over the Holidays
December 19, 2019
Accidents happen, even during the holiday season. Grandpa slips and drops his plate of turkey on the floor. Aunt Kathy knocks a few ornaments off the tree. Cousin Rusty sprains his ankle playing pond hockey. But do you know what to do in the case of dental emergencies? Since your emergency dentist in Columbia might be closed for the holidays, it’s crucial that you know what to do. Here are some tips on how to handle common dental emergencies over the holidays.
(more…)Help Your Smile Shine in 2020 With 3 Teeth Whitening Options From a Dentist
December 11, 2019
There’s no better time to make positive changes than the new year. Especially this year since 2020 is the start of a whole new decade! And once the busy holiday season is over, it’s the perfect opportunity to do something nice for yourself. Most people make a New Year’s resolution to get in shape, but why not brighten your smile instead? Below, you’ll learn about 3 whitening options from a dentist in Columbia that will give you gorgeous results, safely, reliably and quickly. You’ll also find out how a smile that shines will make 2020 your best year yet!
(more…)How Long Should You Expect a New Dental Implant to Last?
November 28, 2019
Living with one or more missing teeth can present a host of challenges. For starters, it can make the basic task of chewing food difficult. Additionally, it can make it harder to pronounce words. In times past, the only option for replacing any missing teeth was to either receive a dental bridge or a set of dentures. Thankfully, there is now a more effective option: the placement of dental implants. What makes it a better route to take, and how long should you expect it to last? Read on to get the answers from your dentist in Columbia!
(more…)A Step-by-Step Guide for Excellent Oral Health During the Holidays
November 20, 2019
With the holiday season here, it’s understood that the most important ingredient at any gathering will be sugar, whether in the form of beverages, desserts or rich and flavorful side dishes. This can pose some possible problems for your oral health, though. As you continue reading, a dentist in Columbia explains what you can do to protect yourself while still enjoying all the magical delights the holidays have to offer!