Columbia Healthy Smiles Blog

Why a White Smile Doesn’t Mean Healthy Teeth

September 6, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbatson @ 10:30 am
Portrait of someone with a perfectly white smile

If you asked most people what they would change about their teeth, one of the things you’d hear most often is “the color of their smile.” Just about everyone wishes that they had a Hollywood-white smile, and the lucky few who have it are typically incredibly proud of their teeth.

However, any dentist will tell you that there’s a lot more to a healthy smile than a pretty color. In fact, even if you have perfectly white teeth, you could still be dealing with serious oral health problems that need to be addressed. Here’s what you should know about the connection between the color of your teeth and your oral health.


How a Healthy Smile Can Set Your Child Up for Academic Success

August 23, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbatson @ 1:11 pm
Alt Image Tag: child at dentist’s office giving thumbs up

While parents often emphasize the importance of early oral care habits for their children’s dental health, the benefits extend far beyond a healthy smile. In fact, fostering good oral hygiene in your little ones can have a significant impact on their academic success during the school year. Join us as a children’s dentist elaborates on the ways in which maintaining oral health can lay the foundation for educational achievements.


What Are Some of the Most Common Oral Health Conditions?

August 11, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbatson @ 8:48 pm
Man has dental pain

Oral health conditions are largely preventable, but they affect an estimated 3.5 billion people because many countries with low or middling incomes do not have sufficient dental health services. On the other hand, even countries where dental care is readily available and accessible still see rampant oral health issues affecting people of all ages and walks of life. This represents a major health burden and drain on quality of life that results in discomfort, pain, disfigurement, and possibly death. Here are some common oral health conditions and what can be done to prevent or treat them.


How Can Cosmetic Dentistry Make Me Look Younger?

July 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbatson @ 6:22 pm
Doctor smiles.

Ever wonder how you could take a few years off your face? Cosmetic dentistry makes it possible. As the years fly by they can really show in the wear and tear on our teeth. After chewing untold thousands of times, the teeth can accrue chips, cracks, and stains that do not go away on their own. Luckily, your dentist can offer treatments to cover up defects and fix your smile up like new. Read on to learn about ways cosmetic dentistry can turn back the clock.


4 Ways to Prevent a Dental Emergency This Summer

July 6, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbatson @ 6:42 am
Woman smiling with teeth lying in dental chair

Summer vacation is synonymous with rest and relaxation! Don’t let dental trouble keep you from your plans. You should be basking in the sun and hanging out with family and friends, not nursing a toothache or stressing about a lost tooth. To help you prepare your oral health for months of fun in the sun, here are 4 ways to prevent a dental emergency this summer.


Helpful Oral Health Tips for Your Summer Vacation

June 29, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbatson @ 7:12 am
Friends having fun at a lake for summer vacation

Well, the heat in the US is ramping up. Much of the country is starting to see triple-digit temperatures most days. With that said, you’re likely ready for a summer trip. A fun seasonal getaway would help you cool off! While you’re away, though, do care for your smile. A healthy set of teeth will make your summer fun all the better. Your Columbia dentist can even help with some advice. To that end, here are four crucial oral health tips for your summer vacation.


Tips on How to Be More Approachable

June 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbatson @ 11:02 am
A group of friends eating pizza together

With summer in full swing, many are trying to socialize a bit more. After all, there are plenty of opportunities to connect – parties, vacations, concerts, and more! However, you may struggle to seem more approachable to people. That’s normal enough, especially since engaging with others can be tricky. Fortunately, your local Columbia dentist is here with helpful advice on this subject. That said, here are four ways to look more approachable during the summer season.


Cosmetic Dental Treatments for Graduating Students

May 4, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbatson @ 8:24 pm
graduating student smiling in cap and gown

If you have a loved one who is about to graduate from high school or college, you’re probably filled with excitement and anticipation for their upcoming graduation. It’s natural to want them to look their absolute best on this momentous occasion as well as for any job interviews they have coming up afterward, and a crucial part of their overall appearance is a confident and radiant smile. To ensure they have the perfect smile, it’s worth considering a trip to a cosmetic dentist who can help prepare their teeth for the big day. Continue reading to discover the advantages of cosmetic dental treatments for graduates and explore the various treatment options available to them.


What Your Dentist Wants You to Know About Oral Cancer

April 28, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbatson @ 5:04 pm
dentist performing oral cancer screening on patient

Oral cancer is a serious health issue with a predicted 54,000 new cases in the US this year, and a 40% risk of poor prognosis long term. While oral healthcare has progressed, a cure for oral cancer is yet to be found, and late detection makes treatment challenging. Educating yourself on the condition, including its risk factors, warning signs, and prevention tips, can help prevent or detect it early. Keep reading to learn more about oral cancer and its potential risk factors.


4 Reasons to Invest Your Tax Refund in Your Smile

April 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbatson @ 4:58 pm
person smiling while talking to dentist

As Tax Day draws near, individuals contemplate how to make the most of their refunds. While some may choose to splurge on new purchases, considering an investment in your smile can yield long-term benefits. Enhancing your dental health and appearance can have a transformative effect on your overall look and well-being. Continue reading as we explore four compelling reasons why using your tax refund to improve your smile is a wise and worthwhile choice.

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