Have you set health goals and tried to figure out how you are going to achieve them? Diet trends are the method of choice for many people. When executed properly, they can be helpful, but they also pose a risk to your oral health. If you are just trying to lose weight or want to be healthier in general, fad diets may not be the best course of action. Keep reading to learn from your dentist in Columbia about some diet trends you should be especially careful of attempting regarding the health of your teeth and gums.
(more…)Columbia Healthy Smiles Blog
Tips on New Year’s Resolutions for a Healthy Smile
January 4, 2022
Improving your health and keeping more money in your bank account, that’s a pretty excellent win-win situation right there. There are many New Year’s resolutions that will help you in both respects, and the ones that involve improving your oral health certainly qualify. You can alter your daily oral hygiene regimen, and before long you’ve changed a problematic behavior without even thinking about it. Keep reading for suggestions from your dentist in Columbia on New Year’s resolutions for a healthy smile.
(more…)4 Invisalign Tips for the Holiday Season
December 22, 2021
The holidays are just around the corner! There are so many exciting things to look forward to. Whether you are eager to string lights around your home, catch up with relatives, listen to festive music, or cook up seasonal recipes, everyone has something that they are excited for. However, it can be easy to neglect important commitments, like Invisalign in Columbia. Here are some holiday tips to help you stay on track.
(more…)4 Questions to Ask at Your Dental Implant Consultation
December 3, 2021
Are you missing teeth and looking to have them replaced? Do you have dentures or another traditional tooth replacement option that just isn’t cutting it anymore? If so, you may be interested in dental implants. They are stable, permanent, and can give you back at least 80% of your bite power. With all the benefits that come with this revolutionary solution to missing teeth, moving forward with an implant procedure isn’t a decision that should be hastily made. So that you have all the information you need to make the right decision for your oral health, read on to learn four questions that you should ask your dentist at your dental implant consultation.
(more…)Why Understanding the Parts of Your Mouth Promotes Oral Care
November 24, 2021
When you understand how something works and the parts that make it up, you tend to have a better appreciation for it. A good example is people who love cars. Sure, some of them strictly love to drive but most understand all the parts of the car, how the engine works, etc.
This concept carries over to your mouth and oral hygiene. When you realize that your mouth is more than just a set of teeth and a tongue, and you understand the purpose of the various parts, it is more likely you’ll see the value in maintaining your overall oral health. Don’t forget those teeth though.
Keep reading to learn about the components of your mouth from your dentist in Columbia.
(more…)5 Tips for a Tooth-Friendly Thanksgiving Dinner
November 4, 2021
Thanksgiving is nearly here, and even if you aren’t looking forward to socializing with your distant relatives, you are certainly eager to enjoy all the delicious dishes that everyone brought. While this is an exciting holiday, it can have a negative impact on your smile if you aren’t careful. The good news is there are steps you can take to maintain excellent oral health while appreciating your meal. Continue reading to learn some tips.
(more…)Need a Crown? Here’s Why You Should Get It Before the Year Ends
October 22, 2021
If your dentist in Columbia said you needed a dental crown, you probably have several questions running through your head. How much will it cost? Since your tooth doesn’t hurt, is it even necessary? What happens if you choose not to get one? Before you go searching the internet for answers, stop right there because we’ve got you covered. In this blog post, we’ll answer all those questions and more. Continue reading as we explain how getting a dental crown now can save you money and protect your smile.
(more…)Tips for a Mouth-Friendly Halloween
October 5, 2021
October is officially upon us – and do you know what that means? Halloween is right around the corner! For most families, this means a night of trick-or-treating around the neighborhood and returning home with bags of free candy. Although dressing up in costumes and knocking door to door is fun for the whole family, the sugar-filled holiday can leave a lasting mark on everyone’s smiles if you’re not careful. Your dentist in Columbia shares a few oral health tips to keep in mind this Halloween.
(more…)A Useful Guide to Dental Implant Terms
September 29, 2021
Recently, one of your teeth fell out, and you’ve been looking into tooth replacement options. During your appointment with your dentist to discuss what the best choice would be, they recommended getting a dental implant. When discussing the procedure, they threw out various terms you’ve never heard before. Not knowing what terms related to your treatment mean can make you feel uncertain and confused, so we’ve put together a list of common dental implant terms you should know.
(more…)Gingivitis and Periodontitis: The Different Stages of Gum Disease
September 16, 2021
According to the CDC, nearly half of all adults ages 30 and older show signs of gum disease. Of those, 9% show signs of serious gum disease. Even if you have a general idea of what gum disease is, being aware of what the different stages look and feel like can help you get the treatment you need sooner rather than later. Here are the phases of gum disease and what you can do to prevent them.