Do you want to straighten your teeth? One of the great things about living in today’s world is the fact that you don’t need to settle for a smile that you aren’t proud to show off. There are several different techniques out there to straighten your smile, including Invisalign in Columbia. There are no metal brackets or wires involved. Instead, the treatment uses a series of clear aligners to slowly move your teeth into their new rightful places. Continue reading to learn more about the Invisalign treatment process so you know what to expect.
(more…)Columbia Healthy Smiles Blog
Gift Ideas to Brighten Your Valentine’s Smile
February 2, 2021
Shopping for the perfect present can be pretty stressful, especially with a key holiday coming up. No matter what your gift is for, nothing beats your loved one’s beautiful, genuine smile as they open it. Why not give them a gift that will help keep their smile gorgeous and improve their dental health? Keep reading for 4 Valentine’s Day dental gifts that can help your favorite smile stay bright and healthy!
(more…)The Effects of Mental Well-Being on Oral Health
January 21, 2021
When it comes to mental health struggles, the woes are many, but the connection to your oral health is one you may not have made yet. Data pulled from a survey conducted by the National Health and Nutrition Examination showed that within one year, two-thirds of patients struggling with depression also reported having a toothache. Aside from changing the way your body chemically keeps itself healthy, mental issues can have an array of other negative effects on your oral health. Keep reading to see what your Columbia dentist has to say about the ways prolonged stress, anxiety, and depression can wreak havoc on your mouth.
(more…)Be the Early Bird at the Dentist’s Office This Year
January 14, 2021
The new year is in full swing, and if you’re like most other people, your life is busy, and your schedule for the year is filling up quickly. While you’re setting up dates and jotting plans down in your calendar, make sure to prioritize your next dental checkup. Your Columbia dentist shares the reasons why getting a visit to your dentist in the books as early in the year as possible can save you time and money and promote oral and overall health.
(more…)5 Oral Health Tips for the Holiday Season
December 17, 2020
The holiday season brings tons of fun with it. You’re decorating your house, playing festive music, and picking out thoughtful gifts for your close friends and family. However, this time of year isn’t so great for your smile. With so many sweet treats, delicious meals, and traveling, it is easy to fall out of your otherwise healthy lifestyle. That’s why a dentist in Columbia is here to help. Here are a few tips to help you take care of your teeth during the holidays.
(more…)5 Medical Conditions That Your Dentist May Find First
December 4, 2020
You may think that your regular checkups with your dentist in Columbia is all about your teeth, but that is just the beginning! Even though your oral health is the main concern of your dentist, the truth is that they are able to tell a lot about your body just by looking at your mouth. In addition to checking your teeth and gums, they also look for abnormalities that could indicate that you have medical conditions elsewhere in the body. Continue reading to learn about the different overall health issues that your dentist could discover first.
(more…)Why So Many People Are Choosing CEREC Crowns Right Now
November 2, 2020
Do you have a tooth that needs attention but feel worried about visiting the dentist during the COVID-19 pandemic? Delaying dental treatment can allow a damaged or decayed tooth to worsen. In fact, if you wait too long, you may eventually need to have your tooth extracted! Fortunately, you can now get a high-quality dental crown in just a single trip to a dentist in Columbia thanks to CEREC technology. CEREC crowns are the perfect way to restore one’s smile in a flash during these socially distant times.
(more…)Should I Consider a Dental Savings Plan?
October 22, 2020
Unfortunately, nothing ever seems to come free, including dental care. Generally, when it comes to taking care of your oral health, you have three options: dental insurance, cash payments, or a dental savings plan. If your employer doesn’t provide dental insurance and you’d still like to save money at the dentist, a savings plan may be your best bet. Continue reading to learn more from your dentist in Columbia about dental savings plans and who should be considering one.
(more…)7 Tips for a Healthier Smile this National Dental Hygiene Month
October 3, 2020
Did you know that October is National Dental Hygiene Month? If you haven’t already been prioritizing your oral health with a good dental hygiene routine, now is the perfect time to start. After all, your smile is the only one you’ve got so you might as well take care of it and show it off for as long as possible. Your dentist in Columbia shares some helpful tips to implement into your dental hygiene routine this month and going forward.
(more…)How to Keep Your Gums Healthy
September 25, 2020
When you think about the health of your smile, you are probably mostly concerned about your teeth. However, caring for your gums is just as important. After all, a beautiful smile relies on healthy gums in order to last. The problem is that half of Americans over the age of 30 are experiencing periodontal disease which can be detrimental for your smile and the rest of your body when it’s left untreated. Not only does it lead to tooth loss, but it’s also linked to heart disease, diabetes, and other serious conditions. Your dentist in Columbia shares some tips that can help you maintain healthy gums.