Do you cringe when you hear the term “root canal?” More properly termed “root canal therapy,” this traditional restorative procedure is nothing to dread. Rather than causing discomfort, root canal treatment from your dentist in Columbia, Dr. Philip A. Batson, actually relieves it. It also preserves an ailing tooth for years of additional service and leaves a smile complete and attractive.
See Your Dentist in Columbia, MO, this Summer
August 4, 2016
The start of school is just around the corner. So, as you’re shopping for back-to-school supplies such as pencils, crayons, notebooks and erasers, don’t forget to schedule your children’s back-to-school dental checkups, as well. Columbia, MO, dentist Dr. Philip Batson and his team want to make sure your kids greet the new school year with a healthy and happy smile!