Fun, Sun, and Smiles: Why Summer Is the Perfect Time for Dental Implants

June 14, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbatson @ 5:19 pm
Family enjoying summer in the pool with dental implants

Summer is here and that means it’s time for hot, sunny days filled with adventure. However, you don’t have to go to the beach or travel to some exotic location to have a new experience! If you have a tooth or two you’ve been meaning to have replaced, starting dental implants now is a great choice. But why is summer the best time to get your treatment started? Continue reading to find out!

Less Stress

Summer often brings a more laid-back atmosphere, with less stress than during the hectic holiday season or busy school year. This reduces the amount of cortisol in your body, which can positively affect your body’s ability to heal and recover! A calmer mind and body create a more supportive environment for the dental implant process, leading to a smoother experience overall.

More Flexibility in Scheduling

During the summer, many people find themselves with more flexible schedules. Schools are out, and many workplaces slow down, making it easier to find time for dental appointments without the usual conflicts. Whether you’re planning a staycation or a more relaxed summer routine, you can find the time for necessary dental visits.

Seasonal Foods are Perfect for Recovery

Summer foods like soft fruits, smoothies, and chilled soups are not only delicious but also ideal for post-implant recovery. These softer foods are gentle on your gums and help you avoid any discomfort while still enjoying tasty, nutritious meals. Eating a diet rich in vitamins and minerals can also support faster healing and overall oral health, reducing your risk of complications.

Great Use of Vacation Time

If you’re planning a summer vacation, you can coordinate your dental implant appointments around your travel plans. Using your vacation time to complete the implant procedure is a smart way to begin the healing process while away from work and other responsibilities. This can make the recovery period more manageable and less disruptive to your routine.

As you can see, starting your dental implant process in the summer offers many benefits! So, take advantage of the season’s unique opportunities to invest in your smile and enjoy a lifetime of improved oral health and confidence. Make this summer the start of your journey to a brighter, healthier smile.

About the Practice

Dr. Philip Batson and Dr. Elizabeth Abe are your talented dental experts at Columbia Healthy Smiles. We offer high-quality dental care all year round, even during the heat of summer. If you’re ready to begin your smile transformation with dental implants, we have the technology and experience to ensure your success. Call (573) 875-7071 to schedule a consultation or visit our website to explore other treatments and services we provide.

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